Awards > Honorary Citizen
D. Eugenia - English
D. Eugenia - Portuguese
Cidadão Honorário
Pedro, Christiane, Jacques, Marina, Danila, and Alaide. Standing, Geraldo, former classmate.
Alin Machado, Master of Ceremony and former classmate
Speech by Dona Helenita, who nominated me for Honorary Citizenship
Speech by Mr. Espechit, Manager of the Monlevade Steel Works (Arcelor-Mittal)
Singing the Brazilian National Anthem
Speech by professor Lucilo who taught me Geography in 1960
August 15, 2008
Citation: The City of Joao Monlevade, Satate of Minas Gearais, through the Municipal Chamber and its legal representatives, gives the title of Honorary Citizen to Professor Dr. Marc Andre Meyers as a recognition of the people of Monlevade to his brilliant contribution to the university teaching in Brazil, the Americas, and the World, that has enhanced the stature of the schools and teachers of this city, that were the foundation of his vast knowledge and for his exemplary attitude toward its citizenry, click to view article